About Concrete Promotion Council of the Ozarks

Concrete is the building product most widely used throughout the world. It is one of the most economical and readily available construction materials on the market today. Worldwide, more than one ton of concrete is produced each year for every living human being.

Very few would ever consider using any other product for the structural support of their buildings. Because it is so strong and durable, concrete is the choice for footings, foundation walls, basement walls, floors, and many other portions of each building.

The Concrete Promotion Council of the Ozarks is an organization of leaders from a wide variety of concrete associated businesses joining forces to promote the advantages of concrete in commercial, residential, and highway construction thru professional and ethical conduct while representing CPCOZ to local owners, designers, and code officials.


Daryl Hopkins

Vice President
Rodney Boyd

Mike Foley

Terry Zieman

Executive Assistant

Amy Allen

Board of Directors

 Jim Wiley

Mike Foley

Scottie Martin

Jay Taff

Eric Trytten

David Cotner

Derrick Strickland

Derik Scotten

Joel Simmons

Terry Zieman

Rodney Boyd

Daryl Hopkins

Promoting Better Building Outcomes in Southwest Missouri